Rosa damascena oil is cultivated in the famous Bulgarian Valley of the Roses, where Rose Otto has been produced for centuries. Half of the world's authentic Rose oil (1.5 - 2 tons) is produced in Bulgaria. Right now is the time of the year when the buds are collected early in the morning to be distilled for this years harvest.


The so-called Rose Otto is the essential oil, steam distilled from the flowers of Rosa damascena. The Rose flowers are distilled quickly after harvesting. Distilling Roses demands considerable experience. It is common practice to redistill the distillation waters. This is referred to as cohobation process. The yield of cohobation oil is several times higher than that from the first direct distillation of the flowers. The phenyl ethyl alcohol in Rose Otto almost exclusively comes from the cohobation waters.

Rose oil contains a fair amount of natural waxes called stearoptene, which are partially carried over in the distillation process. Because of these waxy components, true Rose oil tends to solidify at lower temperatures. Mildly warming the bottle to room temperature simply by holding it in the hand will return the oil to liquid form.

Other main components are commonly known odorants such as, geraniol, nerol, citronellol linalool, phenyl ethyl alcohol and farnesol.

Composition and Properties

Rose oil is most desired for its sublime fragrance which almost lets us forget the many highly therapeutic properties of this precious essential oil. The unparalleled complexity of its composition explains its huge spectrum of therapeutic values, ranging from physical over emotional to spiritual.

On an emotional level Rose oil counteracts the loss of libido and is helpful with lost love and painful separations, including grief. It is also credited with helping to quell hatred, aggression and tendencies for violence.

Practical information on uses and application

Rose is one of the essential oils with the most complex composition. This explains its endless therapeutic properties. French style aromatherapy suggests a long list of indications, ranging from asthma, bronchitis and other respiratory ailments over skin problems such as dermatitis, ulcers, furunculosis and general counteracting the aging process to sexual asthenia and frigidity. If there just wasn’t the price tag. Therefore Rose oil is usually diluted either with other essential oils or with a base oil if one does not want to alter the magical fragrance. 

We integrated Rose oil in some of our Modern Magic therapeutic blends:

Brown Spots Magic - a precious blend for a radiant and even skin tone

Breast Health Magic - one of our female customers’ favorite

Damasc Face Oil - an anti-aging moisturizer

Dream of Roses - perfume magic

Joyful Zen - the irresistible composition to heal emotional stagnation

We are sure you will enjoy this aromatic gem as much as we do.

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