As Helichrysum is generally gathered in June let’s take the occasion to ponder the intrinsic qualities of this oil. First of all it is interesting to realize that Helichrysum essential oil in its currently appreciated form is strictly an aromatherapy phenomenon.
Unlike other oils that have uses outside aromatherapy (i.e. Lavender, spice or citrus oil) Helichrysum is almost exclusively used for its healing aromatherapy properties. In addition the history of Helichrysum oil is short compared to other oils like Lavender or Rosemary. Helichrysum was originally promoted in the works of Franchomme, Pénoël and courses of the Pacific Institute of Aromatherapy (PIA) in the late Eighties and early Nineties.
In the PIA courses it was recognized that the chemical composition of Helichrysum was unique in that it featured almost exclusively components of a Yin and calming nature. Correspondingly stimulant components of a Yang nature are absent. As a result the complete oil is stunningly soft and gentle and features precise anti-inflammative qualities as well as very articulate regenerative impulses.
Helichrysum is the oil of choice for everyone looking to create effective synergies for skincare.
Helichrysum has been firmly established as a cell regenerating agent for skin, liver and emotions. It is the number One oil for injuries, the relief of an overwhelmed liver and for grounding and taking the edge off an overly excited nervous system. In the perspective of Traditional Chinese Medicine the liver and emotions are directly connected. Accordingly an inflamed liver can result in bouts of anger.
- For injuries Everlasting is to be applied topically directly to the wound. Due to its gentle, non-irritant character no discomfort should occur.
- The liver is best addressed by ingestion 1 drop of Everlasting with a carrier 2 - 3 times daily.
- To address our emotions the oil can be inhaled or applied topically to the sternum.
Everlasting is also a component in several of our Modern Magic Therapeutic Blends:
Injury Magic - for cuts, burns, scratches and more
Bruise Magic - stunningly effective and pain relieving first aid for accidents with no open wounds
Liver Rebuild - as recommended by Anne-Marie Giraud-Robert
Anti-inflammative Magic - for acute and chronic inflammation
Nerve Repair Magic - for various types of nerve damage and - injury
Pain Relief Magic - the magical pain reliever
Hemorrhoid Magic - fast and profoundly healing
just to mention a few
Helichrysum, by itself or mixed with other oils is indispensable in every well rounded Essential Oil collection
This small town on the boarder of Bosnia Herzegovina and Croatia is home to two of our most important producers, distilling authentic Helichrysum expressing the unique character of the Mediterranean hills. These hills are the origin of the prized Bosnian Helichrysum.
Bosnian Helichrysum is esteemed for its outstanding healing qualities which arise from the unique composition featuring sometimes up to 20% of precious diketone components. (Different from Corsican oils which have a higher ester proportion and a lower diketone content, Bosnian oils have high diketone and lower ester percentages). The diketone components are credited with Helichrysum’s famous wound healing abilities.
With Helichrysum oil being such an international commodity sought after by large cosmetic manufacturers we have been working directly with our producers for over 30 years avoiding the detours through international trade.
If you are interested in our Bosnian Everlastings please visit the links below
St. Johnswort - From the desk of Kurt Schnaubelt, PhD
Rosa damascena: Distillation time is June
1 comment
Kurt, Exquisite revamp of your website!
Always impeccable quality, your oils are superior to every essential oil I’ve used.
Thank you!