Proceedings of the 6th Wholistic Aromatherapy Conference, San Francisco, April 8, 9 and 10, 2005.

Essential oils allow treatments for viral conditions for which western medicine has only limited answers.

Download the contents of all conference proceedings here.

Contributions Include:

The Knee in Room 8 - Beyond the Limits of Biomedicine - John Abramson

Love of Lavender. - K.C. Chamberlain and Martha Betz

High Dose Aromatherapy: Heroic or Appropriate? - Suzanne Catty

New Developments in Australian Essential Oils - Chris Condon

Antitumoral Properties of Benzaldehyde Containing Essential Oils - Marlene Ericksen

Phytotherapeutic Protocol for Cystitis - Mindy Green

Difficult Skin Disorders - Jimm Harrison

Animal Self Selection of Aromatic Plant Extracts and Oils - Caroline Ingraham

Essential Oils and Mind/Body: Preventing Viral Infections - Elizabeth Jones

Strengthening Immunity - Linda-Anne Kahn

Essential Oils for Animals via Human consciousness, Intuition with Experience - Barry Kapp

Aromatherapy for Animals - Wolfgang Mayer

Investigation of the Virucidal Effect of Essential Oils - Jürgen Reichling

Animals, Ayurveda, and Aromatherapy - Maryanna Sandurson ND

Can Essential Oils be Effective Against all Viruses? - Kurt Schnaubelt

Treating Male Menopause and Other Such Mysteries - Jennine Stromkins, RA

Essential Oils and Antibiotic Resistant Pathogens - Anne Vermilye

Physiological Effects of Monoterpenes - Bernhard Watzl

Aromatherapy for Healing and Transformation - Robbi Zeck

Product details


We will offer essential oils which, to the best of our abilities to ascertain, are truly genuine and authentic. This means nothing has been added nor taken out.