The Scientific Basis for Essential Oil Efficacy

The reaches of aromatherapy have expanded tremendously over the last three decades. While modern or French Style Aromatherapy did focus on the therapeutic use of essential oils, the expanded global reach of aromatherapy went along with a certain diversification of its character. The near exclusive focus on therapeutics has been broadened by the inclusion of what could be summarized as lifestyle applications of aromatherapy. Aromatherapy concoctions today address everything from skin care to spiritual concerns.

While many of these lifestyle applications avoid forceful therapeutic claims, essential oils will still transmit physiological effects that arise from their evolutionary design. This evolutionary design of the composition of essential oils is behind their often spectacular therapeutic effects (i.e. against viral diseases) as well as their subtle health improving effects that come along with the lifestyle uses, and it is underscored by the following contribution to the 7th Conference: 

  • Michael Wink:  Evolutionary Advantage and Molecular Modes of Action of Multi-Component Mixtures in Phytomedicine - a fundamental paper on recognizing that the effects of complex natural multi component mixtures go well beyond what we know from isolated or active component research.

Though many of us prefer a more gentle description of essential oil effects over the harsh language of pharmacology, this language is still the common denominator that created acceptance for the idea that essential oils were therapeutically active in a scientifically provable fashion.

The scientific basis for aromatherapy is the concept that the Pacific Institute of Aromatherapy conferences were built around, since 1995. At Pacific Institute of Aromatherapy, we were privileged to host some of the most influential research scientists to share their results and insights.

It is probably fair to say that the following three works transformed aromatherapy to become the inclusive healing modality it is today:

  • Dr. Deininger: Antiviral Effects, Aromatics in Ritual, and Shamanism
  • Profs Elson and Peffley: Anti-cancer Effects of Terpenoids
  • Dr. Anne-Marie Giraud-Robert: Supporting Chemotherapy Patients

Presentations of the research scientists were complemented by experiences of many accomplished practitioners. Sometimes the work and presentations of the practitioners actually made it into popular formulae like the following:

  • Nadine Artemis: Breast Health
  • Barbara Lucks: Acceptance of Vitex as a bona fide PMS and Menopausal Complaints Remedy
  • Sylla Hanger: Prevention of Burns from Radiation Treatment

It is with these thoughts in mind that we encourage you to browse the listing of the presentations of the seven conferences, and possibly revisit a topic of interest to you. Even as most of us are not in a position to professionally treat serious conditions, being aware of the antiviral, anti-tumor, and other highly beneficial properties of essential oils subtly but effectively supports their long term health and preventative effects.


Download the contents of all conference proceedings here.


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We will offer essential oils which, to the best of our abilities to ascertain, are truly genuine and authentic. This means nothing has been added nor taken out.