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About Our Silver Fir Essential Oil

White Fir, also known as Silver Fir is one of the preciously gentle healers among the Needle oils.

With its irresistible fragrance it lifts the mood while strengthening the immune system, opening and cleansing the respiratory tract and counteracting viral and fungal infection.

European silver fir is a large evergreen coniferous species of tree that grows to mature heights of 130 to 165 feet (40 - 50 m) tall, exceptionally to 200 feet (60 m), with with a trunk diameter of up to 5 feet (1.5 m) wide, measured at breast height. The largest measured tree was 223 feet (68 m) tall with a trunk diameter of 12.5 feet (3.8 m).

Aromatic Notes

Strong yet soft, woody, sweet coniferous aroma. Created the illusion of standing in the forest. 

Direction For Use

Topical use: apply topically diluted in a carrier oil or undiluted.

Oral use: dilute 1-2 drops in a glass of water. You can add 1 drop to a tablespoon of olive oil or a piece of bread. You can make your own capsule by adding 1 drop to your desired carrier oil.

Inhalation: diffuse or inhale.

Other uses: great addition for creating blend, spiritually uplifting.

Benefits of Fir, Silver essential oil: bronchitis, rhinitis, sinusitis, cold and flue, general weakness and depression, arthrosis.

*These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. This product does not intend to treat, diagnose, cure, or prevent any disease. If you’re pregnant, breastfeeding, or on any medications, please consult with a qualified health professional before beginning any new herbal products.

Product details


We will offer essential oils which, to the best of our abilities to ascertain, are truly genuine and authentic. This means nothing has been added nor taken out.




Certified wild organic

Parts Used


Botanical Name

Abies alba