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The therapeutic use of essential oils in the framework of aromatherapy has become a fact of life.

As aromatherapy has grown and diversified it has become clear that the idea of generating scientific data to convince the medical mainstream has given way to an understanding that the most rewarding features of essential oil use cannot be adequately described with the language of reductionism, but rather with narratives from more wholistic disciplines. Nonetheless, this Part III of the PIA Masters series focuses on those aspects of essential oil therapy which do correspond to the western pharmacological paradigm.

The therapeutic use of essential oils in the framework of aromatherapy has become a fact of life. As aromatherapy has grown and diversified it has become clear that the idea of generating scientific data to convince the medical mainstream has given way to an understanding that the most rewarding features of essential oil use cannot be adequately described with the language of reductionism, but rather with narratives from more wholistic disciplines. Nonetheless, this Part III of the PIA Masters series focuses on those aspects of essential oil therapy which do correspond to the western pharmacological paradigm.

Part III will guide the reader quickly and easily through the precautions to safe and effective applications of essential oils. Specific attention is given to combining pertinent practical information with an overview of
 the latest research results acknowledging the efficacy of essential oils for a broad variety of conditions.

1 What is Aromatherapy?
An introduction to the practice based on the scientific foundations laid out in Volume 1 and 2 discussing French Style Aromatherapy, British Style Aromatherapy, the special qualities of essential oils with respect to aromatherapy. Other topics discussed include: Why Is There So Little Research? How do Essential Oils Work? Legalities of Aromatherapy Practice and Drug Approval is Only For a Few!

2 Alternative or Mainstream
Deliberations around the issue of choosing alternative or conventional modalities. Topics include Conventional Medicine – Monopolizing Disease, Children Who are Always Sick, Beyond Antibiotics and Where Alternatives Do and Do Not Work.

3 Medical Care – A Cultural View
Deliberations around the issue of progress from Francisco Goya to Ivan Illich

4 Why Only Genuine Essential Oils Work
There is endless ingenuity when it comes to adulterating essential oils. Adulterants are not always synthetic, many adulterants are of botanical origin hence natural, yet they still offset the balance of the authentic oil.

The Fallacy of Reconstituted Oils and Why Are Authentic Oils So Different?

5 The Practice
Basic Guidelines of Aromatherapy practice, topics discussed include:
Toxic and Irritant Oils, Putting Toxicity and Safety Issues Into Perspective. Important Precautions. How Oils are Applied Properly. Dosage Guidelines. High Dosages vs. Moderate Dosages. Non-specific vs. Specific Effects. Topical Application of Essential Oils. Internal Use. Suppositories. Leisurely Use

Treatment Styles
Intensive Treatment of Acute Conditions.
Treatment of Metabolic Conditions.
Aromatherapy as a Lifestyle.
Prevention of Serious Disease.

Essential Oils as Antiviral Agents
Antibiotics are not Effective Against Viruses.
Why Essential Oils have Antiviral Activity.
The French
Approach of  Treating Viral Conditions
Herpes Simplex – Unrivaled Efficacy.
Post Herpetic Neuralgia.
Human Papilloma Virus.
The Flu.
Dengue Fever.

Prevention and Treatment of the Common Cold
Shower, Sauna, Chest Rubs.
Upper Respiratory Tract Conditions.
Sinusitis. Tonsillitis. Rhinitis. Bronchitis. Severe Acute Bronchitis. Chronic Bronchitis.
Bronchitis – Small Children.
Bacterial and Fungal Infections
Cystitis – Bladder Infection. Post Antibiotic Syndrome. Intestinal Infections. Conjunctivitis, Pink Eye. Ear Infections.

Balance: The Autonomic Nervous System (ANS)
ANS and the Digestive Tract. Managing Stress, Anxiety, Insomnia. PMS and Menopause.
Immune System Issues. Bay Laurel and Lymph Nodes. Allergies. Arthritis Pain. Travel or Motion Sickness.
Skin and Tissue
Scars, and Beauty
Bruises, Swelling, Hematoma, Sport Injuries
Scars – Cheloids, Preventing Stretch Marks, Acne
Cuts, Lesions, Injury to Mucous Membranes
Anti-inflammatory Activity, Detoxification, Sexually Transmitted Diseases, Cancer Prevention

Product details


We will offer essential oils which, to the best of our abilities to ascertain, are truly genuine and authentic. This means nothing has been added nor taken out.