Lunar New Year Sale - 20% off

About Our Bulgarian Lavander Essential Oil

Bulgarian Lavender is distilled from highly successful clones that were developed in Bulgaria to produce the finest oils possible in their specific locations. This oil is perfectly gentle, best suited for liberal daily use.

Considering its broad spectrum of therapeutic, cleansing and refreshing acitivty, it is no wonder so many insist on having a sufficient supply of Lavender at hand. The reasonable cost of Bulgarian Lavender makes generous application of this oil possible. To reaffirm this notion we will only be offering this oil in 100 ml, 500 ml and 1000ml quantities.

Aromatic Notes

Floral, sweet-herbaceous, rich, full bodied, smooth yet complex.

Direction For Use

Topical use: apply topically diluted in a carrier oil or undiluted.

Inhalation: diffuse or inhale.

Other uses: widely used in blends.

Benefits of Bulgarian Lavender oil: antiviral, antiseptic, wound healing, calming.

*These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. This product does not intend to treat, diagnose, cure, or prevent any disease. If you’re pregnant, breastfeeding, or on any medications, please consult with a qualified health professional before beginning any new herbal products.

Product details


We will offer essential oils which, to the best of our abilities to ascertain, are truly genuine and authentic. This means nothing has been added nor taken out.




Genuine & Authentic

Parts Used


Botanical Name

Lavandula angustifolia