About Our Sacred Incense Essential Oil Comparison Set

With Frankincense and Myrrh the question often arises, whether to use the CO2 extract or the steam distilled essential oil. 

The comparison set allows you to enjoy both provenances of Frankincense and Myrrh next to each other.

Sacred Incense Comparison Set contains:

Frankincense CO2 SKU 198 (Oman)

Frankincense steam distilled SKU 498 (Somaliland)

Myrrh CO2 SKU 197 (Oman)

Myrrh steam distilled SKU 497 (Somaliland)

All four oils offered at $ 65.00 (5 ml each $ 83.60 regular price)

Product details


We will offer essential oils which, to the best of our abilities to ascertain, are truly genuine and authentic. This means nothing has been added nor taken out.


Oman and Somaliland


Genuine and authentic

Parts Used


Botanical Name
