About Our Scots Pine Essential Oil - SIMPLES

The spectrum of its therapeutic properties centers around endocrine and nervous systems. Contemporary French authors recommend Pinus sylvestris for asthenia of all kinds and feelings of exhaustion. They also recommend it for all bronchial and common cold afflictions. Its mild character is in sync with its usefulness with inflammatory and allergic conditions. Specifically, French Style Aromatherapy recommends the oil for polycystic uterine and ovarian congestion.

Considering its relatively moderate cost and its overall gentleness, Pinus sylvestris oil  presents itself as a versatile addition to general lifestyle use, beyond its value as a remedy for the aforementioned conditions. Incorporating it into shower blends and body oils offers an invigorating application with broad spectrum antimicrobial benefits for protection throughout the day.

The olfactory perfection of Pinus sylvestris essential oil from this species is a most elegant envelope for its great outstanding therapeutic value. Besides the expected monoterpene hydrocarbons, the composition of Pinus sylvestris features up to 10% of the precious bornylacetate ester and a small percentage of borneol -- a synergy, which influences the anti-inflammatory response.

While the aroma of many needle oils has a sharpness, that of this particular small batch of Pinus sylvestris is strikingly elegant...a reflection of the absence of oxidized products within its composition. Its gentle aroma is the result of perfect conditions between the environment in Provence and the distiller, who takes extraordinary care from start to finish. A radiant example of bioauthenticity.

Aromatic Notes

Strong yet gentle aroma, reminiscent of Christmas trees.

Direction For Use

Topical use: apply topically diluted in a carrier oil or undiluted.

Inhalation: diffuse or inhale.

Other uses: widely used in blends.

Benefits of Scot Pine oil: asthma and other respiratory issues, highly valuable therapeutic.

*These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. This product does not intend to treat, diagnose, cure, or prevent any disease. If you’re pregnant, breastfeeding, or on any medications, please consult with a qualified health professional before beginning any new herbal products.


Product details


We will offer essential oils which, to the best of our abilities to ascertain, are truly genuine and authentic. This means nothing has been added nor taken out.




Certified organic, SIMPLES

Parts Used


Botanical Name

Pinus sylvestris